Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Slim PS3. Fewer fingerprints. Better clearance next to HDTV on pedestal.

The new 'slim' PS3, on the right, is about 1/3 the size and weight of the current PS3 and comes with a 50% bigger drive (120GB) for the same price as the current PS3 (80GB). Oh, and if it was sitting next to our HDTV (which is on its pedestal rather than a wallmount), we could rotate the TV without scraping the top of the slim PS3 or knocking it over.
So, if you want to wait for the smaller system with the bigger drive, it will be here soon. If you want to get a PS3 for less, wait until the new one comes out and then you can buy the 'old' one (with the 80GB drive) cheaper. I've got the 80GB one and I don't think I've anywhere near filled the drive, however, my usage may not be 'typical'. I tend to use ours for playing a few games (Killzone 2 is da bomba), as a Blu-Ray player (where else could I get a Blu-Ray player and game machine for $30 over an ordinary player?) and to stream multimedia content to it using the Java PS3 Media Server app.
Perhaps other fill the drive up with downloads from Sony, game saves and updates.