Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A Perfect Week

This doesn't happen too often so we thought we'd record it for posterity.
This was June 9th, 2007.

We were trying to figure out how to get Aeryn motivated to behave, do some chores, not hit the other little girls, not start fires in the hallway at daycare (well, ok, she didn't really do the latter) and we stumbled across this magnetic/wipe-erase board with a whole series of magnetic markers and goals and such. Now she has a daily accounting of her behavior so when we talk about some reward (e.g. going to the bookstore -- yes! she loves books!) she knows exactly what she's shooting for and we have a more realistic idea of how angelic our little angel really is.

--We were right more often about that than not.

But her behavior has been remarkedly improved since we started this and she reminds us when it's time to put the markers on the board.