A quick breakfast before the tour bus to the Louvre.

Aeryn discovers that she is Les Enfants in France.

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A quick breakfast before the tour bus to the Louvre.
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Marilyn enjoys her lasagna and Coke Zero --a famous French dish.
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Kristina (Mrs. Munteanu) and Aeryn pet the horses.
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Why you thought you should have accepted the appointment in the fisrt place (although your massive mausoleum should have been a clue) is actually not a mystery considering what I wrote in the patentheses.
It's obvious that you had every intention of getting that senate seat by hook or by campaign donation.
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Wow. Nice place. Just opened next to the hotel. This is the Fruity Sashimi appetizer. I never would have though of wrapping fish and fruit... But I have to say it works.
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