Nice attempt by South Barrington to pump up 'community spirit' (and sales). Too bad the turnout was so low.

-- Posted From My iPhone
Nice attempt by South Barrington to pump up 'community spirit' (and sales). Too bad the turnout was so low.
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Aeryn and the other kindergarten Daisies don't become Brownies until second grade.
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They grow up so fast. It's nice to see the progress made over the year. I'm glad we supplement at home. With a real teacher and a fake teacher for parents, Aeryn doesn't stand a chance--she's not going to be able to get away with anything.
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Someone loses an eye, or gets their hand run over in the gym. Birthday parties are always so much fun.
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So I re-jailbroke my iPhone (easypeazylemonsqueezy) and I found UStream and loaded their app and darned if the video from it don't look outstanding.
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