-- Posted From My iPhone
Technicallly I think it's 'Doral', but it's still a balmy 75 this morning. It would be nicer if Marilyn and Aeryn were here.
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The kids had fun at the JimpZone. Icecream cake was hard to cut, so I had Marilyn do it--just kidding.
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A nice warm gift from Grandpa Joe...
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Great sushi/sashimi and a long list of sakes...
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Right behind my hotel the whole time. And here I was doing room service when I thought it was too much trouble to go out late. Duh.
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So i figured out how to make coffee that will caused you to dump right in your pants after the first sip -- it will be that strong.
Those signs are in every restroom. And don't forget about the kid that was going to get caned for graffiti (what a tool).
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This is where I'm staying while in Oxford, England (oh, did I mention I'm teaching in Oxford?).
The venison sausage is excellent (I saw this on the menu and thought of my Dad deer hunting, so I had to have some). The parsnip mash is not at all what I expected and does have a fairly complementary flavor. However the blackberries, unfortunately, don't.
Oh, and Marilyn: you need not fear the superiority of their 'buttered carrots'. Yours reign supreme. :-)
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I had Chinese food last week, and I don't have anything against other styles (well, except Indian, and that's a whole 'nother story) but I likes my American fares.
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At the Markham, ON, Hilton Garden Inn. Three trucks, the fire chief and a cop in less than 10 minutes. Well done.
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Labels: Instructions, kids, mcdonalds
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Mom asked me about my car, I wanted to show some video in action so I went to youtube and I stumbled across this:
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Labels: mini cooper music youtube
Hmmm... 'get cat food -- grilled chicken'. Ok. Go to Target.
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Come here to learn all about how the Chicago river is a steaming cesspool and full of e-coli.
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The story being "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."
No matter how often I hear the radio programme (it's English, not U.S.ian) it holds up. It's funny, and not in a drooling sort of way but in a deeply complex sort of way. And it's still socially relevant which reminds us that no matter how much time has passed, people are basically creating and dealing with problems that they foist on each other in an attempt get ahead of each other.
-- Posted From My iPhone
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The new 'slim' PS3, on the right, is about 1/3 the size and weight of the current PS3 and comes with a 50% bigger drive (120GB) for the same price as the current PS3 (80GB). Oh, and if it was sitting next to our HDTV (which is on its pedestal rather than a wallmount), we could rotate the TV without scraping the top of the slim PS3 or knocking it over.
So, if you want to wait for the smaller system with the bigger drive, it will be here soon. If you want to get a PS3 for less, wait until the new one comes out and then you can buy the 'old' one (with the 80GB drive) cheaper. I've got the 80GB one and I don't think I've anywhere near filled the drive, however, my usage may not be 'typical'. I tend to use ours for playing a few games (Killzone 2 is da bomba), as a Blu-Ray player (where else could I get a Blu-Ray player and game machine for $30 over an ordinary player?) and to stream multimedia content to it using the Java PS3 Media Server app.
Perhaps other fill the drive up with downloads from Sony, game saves and updates.
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Labels: business class, flights, travel, upgrades
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Labels: Chicago flying travel
unfortunately we can't get you off the plane because of the lightning. Don't be alarmed if the plane is hit by lightning as it should pass along the skin of the airplane. At least, that's if the plane is airborne -- no grounding issues. When the plane is on the ground... I wonder what happens then...
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Labels: Toronto lightning travel
Because black is always in fashion and it looks badass (and geeky)...
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Labels: batman suit helmet badass
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