Aeryn, Carlos and Dina enjoying Christmas morning.

Marilyn working the crosswords...

-- Post From My iPhone
Aeryn, Carlos and Dina enjoying Christmas morning.
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Actually, Dubai is much more fun. But then it probably has something to do with them allowing drinking, women not being covered head-to-toe, men and women socializing together, oh and um... Drinking. I think that's somthing I miss the most: no liquor. KSA is dry, dry, dry.
But, if you're bored, you can always go to the mall! Which seems to be about the only activity here -- and that's coming from a local. And when I say 'local' I mean a citizen of KSA not someone on a work visa.
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By the time I figured out how to record and upload from the Windows PC...
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Timezone inconveniences? Not enough space to send via email?
Wanna share something with more than one person? VBlog it!
A quick test from bleary-eyed Joe on uploading video to the Blog
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Labels: prague
This plane smells like ass. It's a crappy Embrair 145. The Canadian Regionals suck a little less--if you have a choice.
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